Nico Martin - Frontend Developer
Nico Martin

Over the past few years, I’ve had the pleasure of speaking at many different conferences and meetups. And I’m always happy about new opportunities as well:

  • Uphill Conf: From ML to LLM: On-Device AI in the Browser

  • Front Conference Zürich: Beyond the browser – how to talk with robots

  • Build Stuff 2023: The F in “Machine Learning” stands for “fun”

  • Codemotion Milan 2022 Beyond the browser – how to talk with robots

  • Build Stuff 2023: Rethinking desktop applications with progressive web apps

  • Voxxed Days Zürich: WebBluetooth - the missing link

  • WordCamp Zürich 2019: A brief introduction to a11y

Upcoming Talks


HalfStack London

From ML to LLM: on-device AI in the browser

Past Talks

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

  • React Brussels

    From ML to LLM: on-device AI in the browser

  • Devoxx Belgium

    From ML to LLM: on-device AI in the browser

  • Uphill Conf

    From ML To LLM: On-Device AI In The Browser

  • React Paris

    From useML To useLLM: On-Device AI In The Browser

  • Build Stuff 2023

    The F in "Machine Learning" Stands for "Fun"

  • iJS Munich 2023

    The F in "Machine Learning" Stands for "Fun"

  • React Summit 2023

    useMachineLearning… and Have Fun With It!

  • webinale Berlin 2023

    The F in "Machine Learning" Stands for "Fun"

Progressive Web Apps

  • React Summit

    Superwebapps: Rethinking Desktop Applications With Progressive Web Apps

  • Build Stuff 2023

    Rethinking desktop applications with progressive web apps

  • Frontmania 2023

    Rethinking desktop applications with progressive web apps

  • Full Stack Europe 2023

    Rethinking desktop applications with progressive web apps

  • Frontendconf Zürich 2018

    Lightning Talk: #PWAforEveryone

  • DevFest Switzerland 2018


  • webinale Berlin 2021

    Push Notifications on the web

Hardware APIs

  • Front Conference Zürich 2022

    Beyond the browser – how to talk with robots

  • JSNation 2022

    WebBluetooth - the missing link

  • Codemotion Milan 2022

    Beyond the browser – how to talk with robots

  • Modern FrontEnds Live!

    Beyond the browser – how to talk with robots

  • DevFest UK & Ireland

    WebBluetooth - the missing link

  • webinale Berlin 2023

    Beyond the Browser – How to Talk with Robots

  • Voxxed Days Zürich 2022

    WebBluetooth - the missing link

  • Developer Week ’22

    WebBluetooth - the missing link

  • <React Global> Online Summit 2022

    WebBluetooth - the missing link

Various Subjects

  • WordCamp Switzerland 2023

    How to automate your maintenance with Playwright

  • WordCamp Zürich 2019

    A brief introduction to a11y